Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Time In Between was a "good read" for me. Somehow I connected with the character of Charles and I felt I could relate to his frustration with not being able to pinpoint what it was he was looking for. The image at the left was taken during the Vietnam war and perhaps it was similair to the images that haunted Charles and drove him to seek answers after all those years. Again, as in some of the other novels we have read in this class, this book causes the reader to ask himself what the point of war is and it also shows how normal people can do horrific acts during war. Another area that is explored is the idea that the effects of war can carry on through generations. In reading Anne's response, I have to say I differ on her analysis of Charles committing suicide. I think that a man who has sought for answers to his personal living hell that he cant escape, may choose suicide as an answer when he feels he has failed to find those answers and I believe this is the point Charles had reached when he chose to drown himself. This was made more clear to me when he left the note for Ada and Jon telling them of his pain and this to me was an admission to his inability to find answers , and an apology to them. I also found it interesting that Ada seemed to start to follow in the footsteps of her father in looking for him, but her answers were easier to find at least partial questions to and that is why she did not kill herself. This novel was sad but interesting and it helped to answer some questions I have had as to why my grandfather would not talk about his war memories; after all, who knows what attrocities he may have committed? War is hell. It doesnt make sense and I hope none of my family and/or descendants have to partake in it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Final Essays

Hi class!
I was wondering if anyone knows if theres a list of possible essay topics that is going to be posted. Thanks!