Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Link to Quill & Quire

OK - one more link, for interest sake.  It's an author profile of Joseph Boyden.


Holly said...

I really enjoyed reading the author profile on Joseph Boyden. His novel really reflects his life and his past...not to mention futur!

Blanca said...

Yes, I think that we are going to hear more of Jospeh Boyden in the future. One thing that is interesting to me is the question of his identity. He doesn't really present himself as a Native author, but he is wring of Cree/Ojibwe experience. What do you think of this?

G.I. JIM said...

An interesting article - Joseph Boyden is basically the same age as I am and he has accomplished a lot in his life. I do not, however think he needs to live in the U.S., to see Canada better. I also was surprised that he had a teenage son that he chose to live so far away from- to me that goes against some of the themes of brotherhood that i get from Three Day Road.

Anne said...

Interesting take on Boyden living far away from his son. There might be more to it than meets the eye though...just my thought :-)