Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Holly's response to"Fugitive Pieces"

In class when we talked about "Fugitive Peices," we discussed how it appeared to contain 2 books. I would like to argue that it was not 2 books, but rather three.

book 1: Life with Athos
book 2: Life after Athos
book 3: Ben and Jakob's effect/legacy

I found that these three points in the novel as very transitional. Obvious growing up with Athos set up Jakob's future, and made him into the man he was after Athos' death. but the essence left behind by Athos was something unique and special, only obvious to Jakob. Jakob unintentionally repeated the mistakes of Athos at different points in the story. He eventually found happiness, though, while Athos chose not to remarry.

In a way, both Athos and Jakob were commited to the dead: Athos and his wife who passed away, and Jakob and his dedication to Athos and Bella. their commitment to the departed stiffles their lives, as if they are unable to breathe without the breath of those they have loved and lost.

The way Jakob holds onto the memory of Bella is so unique to me. I found it odd that its her he misses the most passionately, even though he did not even realize he didn't see her body with her parents. She was an after thought, in this respect. i wonder if maybe it was the guilt of not wanting to protect/find/know the fate of his sister immediately that caused Jakob to crave her presence so badly. the curiousity of Bella's fate was consuming.

The Writing:
I truly loved the style in which this story was written . the poetic emphasis was seen throughout the entire story, in while describing horrific events, the writing came th rough as stunningly beautiful. While this is not my favorite of stories, the writing is something unforgetable. the use of imagery and elegent language is unforgetable. Michaels is a truly talented writer.

as an aspiring author, Michaels stands out incredibly. the eloquence of the story even as it expressed times of turmoil and bitter sadness radiats a brillance unique to Michaels. Her poetic background is what made this novel so powerful and moving.

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